He then led a series of pre-emptive wars all justified in German people as necessary to maintaining "homeland security". هو ثمّ قادَ a سلسلة الحروبِ الوقائيةِ كُلّ المُبَرَّرون في الشعبِ الألمانيِ حسب الضرورة إلى إبْقاء "الأمن الداخلي".
We have found out that he not only served on the transition team of the Bush Administration, that he was a person who wrote a draft memo for the setup of the Bush Administration's National Security Council, that he was an individual who wrote the pre-emptive war strategy بأنّه كَانَ a شخص الذي كَتبَ a مذكرة أوّلية لإعدادِ إدارة بوشِ مجلس الأمن القومي، بأنّه كَانَ فرداً مَنْ كَتبتْ إستراتيجيةُ الحربِ الوقائيةِ؟